Ursula Tramski
Ballineanig, Ballyferriter, Tralee, Co. Kerry, Ireland   ursel.tramski@web.de   00353(0)66 9154777
The Pots  
The Gallery
The LogBook

The Log Book is the international publication for woodfirers and those interested in woodfiring and wood-fired ceramics, be they professional, educator, student, or enthusiast. Supported only by subscription The Log Book is a non-profit publication with no commercial advertising. Intended as a forum for the discussion of the many diverse aspects of wood-fired ceramics, articles are published on historical, traditional and contemporary woodfiring, together with reports on specialist woodfire related events worldwide. Reviews of books, videos, and DVDs of relevance to woodfiring are also included.
This publication is a significant resource documenting the aesthetics, the materials, and the processes of wood-fired ceramics. Published quarterly, there are now subscribers to The Log Book in over 20 countries worldwide.

Ceramic Review
Potters, collectors, enthusiasts, students, teachers, critics, gallery owners, artists and designers all read Ceramic Review for its mix of practical and critical features on contemporary ceramic art and craft, around the world.

Original Kerry
Craft Trails, craft making, pop up shops, craft fairs and markets, design showcases, trade shows - just some of the many events and activities that are the key ingredients of the Original Kerry Project. As a network for craft makers based in County Kerry, Original Kerry provides support and umbrella marketing to assist the County’s craft making enterprises. We have currently closed membership for 2013 but will be providing an application form for 2014 membership shortly.